22 August 2009

Getting ready for Flagstaff Open Studios

Now that Joel's finished teaching his printing workshop we're converting the classroom back to a studio- getting ready for Open Studios. We're going to host 3 other artists: Greg Wenz, an awesome ceramicist from Tempe; Milly Haeuptle with hand crafted jewelry, and Jane Boggs makes masks, spirit people and vessels from gourds. AND we'll have live music with classical guitarist Craig Yarbrough and symphony cellist Melissa Cripps. Here's a link for open studios. And you can download the brochure here.

Joel should have at least one new release. I forgot to post his new release from our Studio show so here it is.

16 August 2009

The Print Workshop

Yesterday and today, we've been running the print workshop- Joel teaches and I provide food. Saturday was intense information day and today he'll actually make a large print for all 6 participants!

And I'm making homemade blueberry muffins :)

It's a lot of fun!

Ciao for now...

07 August 2009

Our Studio Show

We're busy preparing for our Studio Show tomorrow... cleaning up the studio, printing something new and hanging everything on the walls! Not that the studio is normally messy, but well, it is a working studio!

Click here to link to some of our NEW IMAGES!

We'll have snacks, drinks, live music and will be open from 10am-4pm. Please call for directions: 928-526-3726.

It would be nice to see some of you :)